St. George: 435-673-6128
Cedar City: 435-586-4486
Lindon: 801-785-1171

Practical Subjects

Clock Hours
Theoretical Studies 250
Hairstyling, Setting, Blowing, Waving 310
Permanent Waving 200
Hair Coloring, Lightening, High Lighting 200
Style Cutting & Barbering, Men, Women & Children 400
Salon Management & Job Hunting 40
Manicuring, Artificial Nails & Pedicuring 50
Skin Care, Make-up, Facials, Arching 80
Hair Conditioners 50
Chemical Hair Relaxing 40
Scalp Treatments 25
Sterilization & Sanitation 100
Wiggery 60
Business Procedures 40
Professional Ethics 40
Utah State Rules, Regulations & State Laws 10
Hair Extensions 50
Balance to be used at the discretion of the Instructor 55
Total Hours 2000

(Hours will be given for participaton in hairstyling contests and attendance at any educational styling shows).

Financial Aid

Financial aid is available to all students who qualify. Go to for a pell grant. Financing is also available thru the school, or student can arrange for their own financing.

Scholarship Qualifications

  1. Must be a full time, first time student who has completed the course. Students dropping out and returning to finish do not qualify for a scholarship. Students dropping out before completing the course do not qualify for a scholarship.
  2. Must have 1st advanced & 2nd advanced worksheets & exams taken before student reaches 900 hours. If not student will lose one half of the scholarship. Must have 3rd advanced & 4th advanced worksheets & exams taken before student reaches 1300 hours. If not student will lose one half of the scholarship amount.
  3. Must keep language proper and professional
  4. Must graduate within the time outlined on the student enrollment agreement. If student is still attending school after the enrollment agreement graduation date then the scholarship is VOID
  5. Must maintain at least a “B” grade or 80% G.P.A. each quarter. If student fails to maintain a “B” grade for any quarter student will lose one half of the scholarship. If student fails to maintain “B” grade again, the student will lose all of the scholarship possibility.
  6. Must not miss more than “6” Fridays while student is enrolled in school. Student will lose one half of the scholarship for first missed Friday after 6. Student will lose the other half of the scholarship for the second Friday missed after 6.
  7. The school management reserves the right to VOID all or part of scholarship for actions school feels are unprofessional or unlawful, or unethical

The scholarship is the school’s way of thanking students that are in school to get the most out of a rewarding and fun profession.